Jonathan Majors is dropped (3:25). Too many people are down for a 9-month cruise (6:30). George Santos won't go away (15:00). And the Senate has a sex scandal (17:00). For love it or hate it (22:15), Shelby stumbles into fanfic and Matt hears out Nicki Minaj.
Zoe Kravitz put on her director’s hat with her debut film Blink Twice and we’re split on whether or not it’s a good look...
With Shelby out of the picture, Matt has a new date for *The Prom*. Third-time guest Ciera Velarde has returned. The pair discuss Disney’s...
Shelby and Matt join the gaggle of hes, shes and theys giggling over Dev Patel. It’s an episode all about his directorial, leading--action-man debut...